Ph: (352) 507-8458 SHOPPING HOURS T: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Th: 11:00-5:30 a.m.; Sat: 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
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Shopping Categories
- 10 inch Squares
- 100 Aker Woods
- 1800's Reproductions
- 18mm
- 2.5 Inch Strips
- 2.5" Squares
- 24" Panel FREE Manufacturers' Patterns
- 28mm
- 3 Yard Fabric Bundle (3YFB)
- 36" Panel FREE Manufacturers' Patterns
- 45mm
- 4th of July
- 5 in squares
- 6 inch Strips
- 6 Yard Solids
- 60mm
- A Wildflower Heart
- Aboriginal Prints
- Abstract
- Ahoy
- Ahoy
- Air and Space
- Air Force
- All Aboard
- All Dolled Up
- All Florida Shop Hop 2023 Fabric Collection
- All Florida Shop Hop 2024 Fabric Collection
- All Florida Shop Hop 2025 Fabric Collection
- All Hallow's Eve
- All that Glitters - Northcott
- All That Glitters is Snow
- All You Need is Love and a Cat
- Alligators
- Allure
- Alluring Butterflies
- Alpha (Alpha Doodle)
- American Southwest
- American Spirit
- American Truckers
- Americana
- Among The Branches
- Amphibians
- Animal Packs
- Animal Panels
- Animals
- Annabella
- Apple
- Apron Panels
- Aprons
- Aquatic Steampunkery
- Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
- Army
- Arrows
- Art/Artist
- Athletics
- Atlantis
- Auburn Fox
- Aurora
- Aurora
- Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
- Automotive
- Autumn Afternoon
- Autumn Elegance
- Autumn Splendor
- Autumn Sun
- Avalon
- Avocado Love
- Baby
- Baby Panels
- Baby Safari
- Baby Safari
- Back Nine
- Back Nine
- Backing Fabrics
- Bag Decor
- Bag Hardware
- Bags and Totes
- Ballerina (Prima Ballerina)
- Balloons
- Bambi
- Bananas
- Barn
- Barnyard Rules
- Baseball
- Basic Remnants
- Basketball
- Bat Girl
- Batik
- Batman
- Bats
- Beach
- Beach (Welcome to the Beach)
- Beach and Water Activities Panels
- Beach Bound
- Beach Retreat
- Beachy Keen
- Beans
- Bear
- Beary Merry Christmas
- Beautician
- Beauty & the Beast
- Beavers
- Becky's FREE Patterns
- Bee Haven
- Bee You
- Bee You
- Bees
- Beetles
- Beets
- Believe In Unicorns
- Belle (Beauty & the Beast)
- Berry Sweet
- Beverages
- Bicycles
- Birds
- Birds in Paradise
- Birds Panels
- Black
- Black Panther
- Black Widow
- Blades
- Blissful (Blissful Bounty)
- Block Panel FREE Manufacturers' Patterns
- Blooming Blue
- Blue
- Blue Escape Coastal
- Blue-Green
- Blueberry
- Bluey
- Boats
- Bonnie Hunter Chilhowie
- Books
- Books on Quilting
- Boots
- Border
- Border Stripe
- Born (Born in Bethlehem)
- Born in Bethlehem
- Boston Celtics
- Boston Red Sox
- Bowling
- Breads Grains Pasta
- Break of Dawn
- Brick
- Brocade Peony
- Broccoli
- Brown
- Buddies (Woodland Buddies)
- Buffalo Bills
- Buggin' (I'm Buggin' Out)
- Bugs
- Bugs Bunny
- Bungalow
- Bunny Tails
- Butterflies
- Butterflies
- Butterflies and Dragonflies Panels
- Buttermilk Farmstead
- Buttons
- Buzzin' with My Gnomies
- Cactus
- Cactus Flower
- Cali & Co
- Call of the Sea
- Call of the Wild
- Call of the Wild (COTW)
- Calypso II
- Camp Joy
- Camping
- Candelabra
- Candy
- Candy Canes
- CapeCod
- Captain America
- Cardinals
- Career
- Career Panels
- Carnival
- Carrots
- Cars
- Castle
- Cat Panels
- Cat Rescue
- Cat Tales
- Cat's Pajamas
- Cat-i-tude
- Cat-i-tude Christmas
- Cat-i-tude II Purrfect Together
- CATBLUE (Cat-i-tude Singing the Blues)
- Cats
- Cats (No Ordinary Cats)
- Catt2
- Cauliflower
- Celebrate the Seasons
- Character Panels
- Characters
- Chasing the Sun
- Chef
- Cherry
- Cherry Hill
- Chicago Bears
- Chicago Bulls
- Chicago Cubs
- Chickens
- Children
- Children's Panels
- Chipmunks
- Christmas
- Christmas Items: Tree Skirts and Ornaments and more
- Christmas Joy - Blue
- Christmas Joy - Red
- Christmas Legend
- Christmas Lights
- Christmas Magic
- Christmas Ornaments
- Christmas Panels
- Christmas Presents
- Christmas Traditions
- Christmas Trees
- Cinderella
- Circles
- Civil War / Reproductions
- Civil War Era Reproduction
- Clemson University
- Cleveland Browns
- Cleveland Cavaliers
- Cleveland Guardians (formerly Indians)
- Cloth Books Panels
- Clothes / Clothing
- Clothing
- Clouds / Sky
- Clovers
- Coast Guard
- Coastal Sanctuary
- Color Dance
- Color Play
- Color Play
- Color Theory
- Color Theory by Timeless Treasures
- Colorado Rockies
- Colors
- Columbus Blue Jackets
- Conservatory
- Construction
- Construction Cone
- Construction Zone
- Construction Zone
- Copper
- Cops + Robbers
- Coral
- Cori Dantini
- Cork Fabric
- Corn
- Cosmic Butterfly
- Cosmic Cows
- Cosmos
- Cottonwood Stables
- COTW (Call of the Wild by Hoffman)
- Country Fresh
- Country Rodeo
- Countryside Comforts
- Cowboy
- Cowboy Hat
- Cows
- Cows
- Coyotes
- Crabs
- Craft Books - Other Than Quilting
- Craft Kits
- Cream
- Creepsville
- Crocheted Critters
- Crocodiles
- Crown
- Crustaceans
- Cultivate
- Cupid
- Curated in Color
- Curiosity
- Curiouser and Curiouser
- Cutters
- Cutters and Blades
- Daffy Duck
- Daisies
- Daisy Duck
- Dallas Cowboys
- Dance
- Data Point
- Dawn
- Daydreamer
- Dazzling Dolphins
- DC Comics
- Dear Stella
- December 2024
- Deck the Halls
- Decorator
- Deep Blue Sea
- Deer
- Deer
- Denver Broncos
- Desserts
- Detroit Lions
- Detroit Tigers
- Diamonds
- Digital Quilt Tops (DQT)
- Dimples
- Dino
- DinoKing (DInosaur Kingdom)
- Dinosaur Kingdom
- Dinosaurs
- Dinosaurs
- Disney
- Dock (Dockside)
- Dockside
- Doctor
- Dog On It
- Dog Panels
- Doggie Holiday
- DogOnIt
- Dogs
- Dogs/Cats
- Dolphins
- Dolphins (Dazzling Dolphins)
- Donald Duck
- Dot Matrix
- DOTFarm (Down on the Farm)
- Dots
- Down By the Lake
- Down on the Farm
- Dragon Fyre
- Dragonflies
- Dragonfly
- Dragonfly Illusions
- Dragons
- Dream Big Leaf Quilt Panels (DBLqp)
- Dream Big Quilt Panels (DBqp)
- Dream Catcher
- DreamCatcher
- Drill
- Dry Brush
- Ducks
- Dumbo
- Eagle
- Eagle Panels
- Earth Jewels
- East Carolina University
- Easter
- Easter (Easter Fun)
- Easter Eggs
- Easter Fun
- Easter Panels
- Ebony and Onyx
- Elastic
- Elephants
- Elves
- Empress
- Enchanted Forest
- Enchanted Seas
- Enchanted Seas
- Endless Blues
- Enjoy the Ride - Benartex
- Everglow by Tula Pink
- FabFlam (Fabulous Flamingos)
- Fabric
- Fabric By The Piece (CP)
- Fabric Collections
- Fabric Families
- Fabric Family Packs
- Fabric Family Remnants (RemFF)
- Fabulous Flamingos
- Fairies / Pixies
- Fairy Frost
- Fairy Soiree
- Fall
- Fall Panels
- Farm
- Farm (Farm to Market)
- Farm Babies
- Farm Fresh
- Farm Girl Vintage
- Farm Panels
- Farm Stand
- Farmer
- Farmers' Market
- Farmhouse Blooms
- Farmstead Friends
- Fat Eighths Bundles (FEB)
- Fat Quarter Bundles (FQB)
- Fat Quarters (FQ)
- Father Christmas
- FatherC (Father Christmas)
- FBay (Flamingo Bay)
- February 2025
- Feline Fancy
- Feline Friends
- Feline Friends
- Festival of Lights
- Field of Seams
- Firefighter
- Fireflies
- Fish
- Fish
- Fishing
- Flamingle (Let's Flamingle)
- Flamingo
- Flamingo Bay
- Flamingo Panels
- Flannel
- Flannel/Corduroy/Fleece
- Fleece
- Flies
- Floragraphix V
- Floral
- Floral Dream
- Floral Forest
- Floral Panels
- Florida
- Florida Panthers
- Florida State University Seminoles
- Flower Patch - FF108.
- Fluid by Patrick Lose
- Flurry (Flurry Friends)
- Flurry Friends
- FlyByNight
- Folklorica Blues
- Food
- Football
- Football Novelteenie
- Forest Critters
- Forest Dreams
- ForestMagic
- Fowl
- Foxes
- Free as the Ocean
- Free Printed Pattern
- FreeSpirit Fabrics
- FreeStyle
- Frogs
- Fronds & Felines
- Frontier
- Frosted Forest (Flannel)
- Frosty Frolic
- Frozen
- Frozen in Time
- Fruit
- Fruit Cocktail
- Full Yard Packs
- Fun
- Fun & Games
- Funny Bunny
- Galaxies
- Games
- Gaming Zone
- Garden Party
- Gardening
- Geese
- Geometric Designs
- Ghost Town
- Ghosts
- Ghosts (Glow Ghosts)
- Gifts
- Giraffes
- Glamping
- Glass (Glass Menagerie)
- Glass Menagerie
- Glisten Sorbet
- Glitter
- Glow (Here We Glow)
- Glow Ghosts
- Glow-In-The-Dark
- Gnome for the Holidays
- Gnome is Where Your Garden Grows
- Gnome Town Heroes
- Gnome-kin Patch
- GnomeGarden (Gnome Is Where The Garden Grows)
- GnomeHoliday (Gnome for the Holidays)
- Gnomes
- Gnomes Night Out
- Gnomes Night Out
- Gnomie Love
- Gnomie Love
- Goats
- Goats
- Gold
- Golden State Warriors
- Golf
- Goofy
- Gorillas
- Gossamer
- Gossamer (Gossamer Garden)
- Grandeur Rose
- Granny Chic
- Grape
- Gray
- Great American Summer
- Green
- Green Bay Packers
- Grow (You Grow Girl)
- Grunge
- Grunge
- Hair Stylist
- Halloween
- Halloween Panels
- Handmade with Love
- Hanukkah
- Happiness
- Happy (My Happy Place)
- Happy Spring
- Happy Valley Farm
- Hard Hat
- Harry Potter
- Harvest Whisper
- HarvestWreath
- Heart & Soul
- Hearts
- Heavenly Hedgerow
- Hedgehogs
- Hello Fall
- Hello Lucky
- Here We Glow
- Hexies
- Hidden Valley
- Hip Hop
- Hippity Hoppity
- Hippos
- Hobbies Panels
- Hockey
- Hocus Pocus - Andover
- Hoffman
- Hole in One - Northcott
- Holiday
- Holiday Spirit
- Holly
- Home
- Home (Home Sweet Gnome)
- Home Sweet Holidays
- Home Sweet Home
- Home Town Holiday
- Homegrown (Homegrown Happiness)
- Homegrown Happiness
- Homespun
- Honey Bee Gnomes
- Honey Bee Gnomes
- Honey Bees and Flowers Please
- Hooked
- Hooked on Fish
- Hooked on Fish
- Hop Hop Hooray
- Horse (Horse Whisperer)
- Horse Country
- Horse Whisperer
- Horsen
- Horsen Around
- Horses
- Horses
- Horses
- HotDog
- Houston Astros
- Houston Rockets
- Howdy Christmas
- Howdy Christmas
- HowSweet (How Sweet the Sound)
- Hugs (Big Hugs)
- HumHeaven (Hummingbird Heaven)
- Hummingbird Floral
- Hummingbird Heaven
- Hummingbirds
- Hummingbirds
- Hunting
- Hydrangea
- Hydrangea Bliss
- I Love Sn'Gnomies Flannel
- I Love You to the Moon and Back
- I'll Be Gnome for Christmas
- I'm Buggin' Out
- I've Got a Notion
- Iguanas
- Indianapolis Colts
- Indigo Fairies
- Indivisible
- Inspirational Panels
- InstaQuilt
- International Panels
- Internationally-inspired
- Iowa State University
- Irish
- Irish Panels
- Ironman
- It's a Steampunk Christmas
- Ivory Woods
- Jack O Lanterns
- Jacobean Joyeux
- January 2025
- Japanese Elegance
- Jasmine (Aladdin)
- Joy Blooms
- JoyPaint (The Joy of Painting)
- Julia
- Jungle
- Jungle Buddies
- Jungle Buddies
- Just Add Sugar
- Just Sayin' by My Mind's Eye
- Just Sew Happy
- Kaffe
- Kaffe Fassett 2024 Collective Mystery Quilt Fabric
- Kangaroos
- Kansas City Chiefs
- Kansas State University
- Kittens (Kittens in the Garden)
- Kittens in the Garden
- Kiwi
- Koalas
- Kumquat
- Kyoto Gardens
- La Mer
- Lacrosse
- Lady and the Tramp
- Ladybugs
- Lasso
- Last Chance Packs and Panels
- Lavender
- Lavender (Lavender Garden)
- Lavender Garden
- Lavender Market
- Leash (Off The Leash)
- Leaves
- Lemon
- Leprechauns
- Let's Flamingle
- Let's Get Wild
- Liberty Fabrics
- Liberty for All
- Licensed Sports
- Lighthouse
- Lil' Wizards
- Lilo and Stitch
- Lime
- Linen - FF69
- Lineworks
- Lion (The Lion and the Lamb)
- Lion King
- Lion's Pride
- Lions
- Little Ones
- Little Ones
- Little Rascals
- Livin' On The Hedge
- Lizards
- Llamas
- Lobster
- Looney Tunes
- Loralie Designs Fabric
- Lori Holt
- Los Angeles Lakers
- Lost in Paradise
- Louisiana State University
- Love Ewe
- Love Letter
- Love O' The Irish
- Low Volume
- LP (Lion's Pride)
- Lush & Lively
- Madagascar Adventure
- Madelyn
- Mail Carrier
- Majestic
- Majestic
- Make a Little Magic
- Making Music
- Man Cave
- Manatees
- ManCave
- Mango
- Manufacturers' FREE Patterns
- Manufacturers' Patterns For Sale
- Map Panels
- Marble Essence
- March of the Dinosaurs
- Marines
- Marvel
- Meadows (Poppy Meadows)
- Measuring Tape
- Meat
- Mechanic
- Memorial Day
- Meowgical
- Mermaids
- Mermaids Panels
- Merry & Bright
- MerryDeer
- Metallic
- Miami Dolphins
- Miami Heat
- Mice
- Michigan State University
- Mickey Mouse
- Mickey Mouse and Friends
- Military
- Milwaukee Bucks
- Minky
- Minnesota Timberwolves
- Minnesota Twins
- Minnie Mouse
- Mister Mechanic
- Mister Mechanic
- Misty
- Moda Quilt Fabric
- Moda Quilt Panels
- Modern Farmhouse
- Modern Love
- Mon Ami
- Monkeys
- Monster'ocity
- Monthly Placemats
- Monthly Placemats Nov - Feb
- Moon
- Moon (I Love You to the Moon & Back)
- Moon Garden
- Moonlight (Moonlight Serenade)
- Moonlight Serenade
- Moose
- Morning Blossom
- Morning Blossom
- Motorcycles
- Motorcycles
- Mountain Sunrise
- Multi-Color Half-Yard Packs
- Mushrooms
- Music
- My Cup of Tea
- My Happy Place
- My Heritage
- My Tools My Rules
- My Tools My Rules
- Narwhals
- National Parks
- Native American Indians
- Natural Beauties
- Nature
- Nature Panels
- Nature Walk
- Nature's Affair
- Naturescapes
- Nautical
- Navy
- Neon True Colors by Tula Pink
- New England Patriots
- New York Giants
- New York Islanders
- New York Knicks
- New York Mets
- New York Yankees
- Night & Day
- Nightmare Before Christmas
- No Ordinary Cats
- Noel
- Northcott Fabrics
- Not Ameowsed
- Notions
- Nurse / Nursing
- Nutcracker
- Ocean
- Ocean Oasis
- Octopus
- Off The Leash
- Off-White
- Office Worker - Clerical
- Ohio State University
- Oklahoma City Thunder
- Old Mill
- Old Town Bonnie Hunter Mystery 2024-25
- Ombre
- On Dragonfly Wings
- On the 12th Day
- On the Bright Side
- Once Upon A Time (Henry Glass)
- One in a Melon
- One Nation
- Onions
- Ooh La La
- Opposites Attract
- Orange
- Orange
- Order Up
- Otters
- Ovals
- Ovarian Cancer Inspiration
- Owl
- Owl Panels
- Packs (PCK)
- Painterly (Painterly Garden)
- Pandas
- Panel Coordinates (COO)
- PANEL Patterns for FREE from Manufacturers
- Pansies
- Pansy (Pansy Prose)
- Pansy Paradise
- Pansy Prose
- Paradise (Pink Paradise)
- Paradise Bay
- Paris (Ooh La La)
- Parisville Deja Vu
- Party
- Party Time
- Party Time
- Patriot
- Patriotic
- Patriotic Panels
- Patriotic Summer
- Patterns
- Paws Up
- Peace, Love, & BBQ
- Peaceful (By the Peaceful Shore)
- Peach
- Peacock
- Peacock Flourish
- Pear
- Pearl Luxe II
- Pearlized
- Peas
- Pencil Strikes - FF104.
- Penguins
- Penn State University (Pennsylvania State)
- Peppermint Candy
- Peppers
- Pet Panels
- Peter Rabbit & Friendsâ„¢
- Petula Paisley
- Philadelphia 76ers
- Philadelphia Eagles
- Philadelphia Flyers
- Philadelphia Phillies
- Pickleball
- Picnic - FF70
- Pietra
- Pigs
- Pigs
- Pillow Panels
- Pillows
- Pilot
- Pineapple
- Pink
- Pink Paradise
- Pinnochio
- Pittsburgh Penguins
- Pittsburgh Steelers
- Pixies & Petals
- Pixies (Pixies and Petals)
- Placemat Panels
- Planted With Love
- Play Outside
- Plum
- Pluto
- Poinsettias
- Polar Bears
- Police
- PolishFolk
- Poly Cotton Blend
- Poppies
- Porky Pig
- Portland Trailblazers
- Posh Palms
- Potatoes
- Pouches and Purses
- Prairie Meadow
- Pre-cut Packaged Yards
- PreCut Backing Pieces
- Precuts
- Prehistoric World
- Prim
- Prima Ballerina
- Princess
- Princesses
- Professions Panels
- PUL - Polyurethane Laminated Film
- Pumpkin Harvest
- Pumpkins
- Pups
- Purdue University
- Purple
- Puzzles
- PW (Prehistoric World)
- Quantum by Giucy Giuce
- Quarter Yard Packs (QYP)
- Queen Bee
- Queen Bee by Quilting Treasures
- Queen of We'en
- Quilt Fabric Sale
- Quilt Kits (QK)
- Quilt Panels (QP)
- Quilt Patterns
- Quilted Kitties
- Quilted Twins Best Sellers
- Quilted Twins' Patterns for Sale
- Quilting Fabric Collections
- Quilting Treasures Fabric
- Rabbits
- Raccoons
- Radiance Shimmer
- Radiant Paisley
- Radical Rainbow
- Radishes
- Rainbow Dragon
- Rainbow Rose
- Random Stars - FF10
- Rapunzel
- Raspberry
- Raspberry Summer
- Rayon
- Rays
- Reading
- Rectangles
- Red
- Red Hot
- Red Trucks Panels
- Reef Life
- Reel Fun
- Regions Beyond
- Reindeer
- Rejoice
- Religion
- Remnants
- Reproductions
- Reptiles
- Resplendent
- Reverie
- Rhinoceros
- Rhythm & Hues
- Rhythm (Rhythm & Hues)
- Ride (Ride Free)
- Ride Free
- Riptide
- Roamin' (Roamin' Holiday)
- Roar
- Rock N Roll Fantasy
- Rock N' Bowl
- Rocks
- Rodeo
- Rose Gold
- Roses
- Rulers
- Rural Fantasy
- RVs and Travel Trailers
- S+S (Sun & Sea)
- Safari
- Safari
- Safe Harbor
- Sale Panels
- Salt & Sea
- Salt (Salt & Sea)
- San Antonio Spurs
- Sand
- Sanibel
- Sanibel
- Santa
- Santa Claus
- Santa's Night Out
- Santa's Vacation
- Save the Bees
- Save The Day
- Savor the Gnoment
- Savor the Gnoment
- Scenery Panels
- School
- Scissors
- Scrap Bags
- Sea Breeze
- Sea Friends
- Sea Mammals
- Seahorses
- Seals
- Seas (Seas the Day)
- Seashells Soiree
- Seaside (Seaside Serenity)
- Seaside Serenity
- Seasonal
- Seasonal Packs
- Seasonal Panels (SSqp)
- Seattle Seahawks
- Seaweed
- Seeds 2
- Seeds of Glory
- Serengeti
- Set Sail America
- Sew Mischievous
- Sewing
- Sewing is My Happy Place
- Shabby
- Shades of Summer
- Shamrocks
- Sharks
- Sheep
- Sheep
- Shells
- Shop Hop 2024
- Shop Hop 2025
- Shoreline (Shoreline Stories)
- Shoreline Stories
- Shovel
- Show (Show Me the Honey)
- Show Me the Honey
- Silver
- Singin' the Blues
- Single Color Packs
- Skeletons
- Skiing
- Skulls
- Skunks
- Sloths
- Smokin' Hot
- Snakes
- Snow Bear Village
- Snow Dog (Snow Dog Express)
- Snow Dog Express
- Snow Lady
- Snow Much Fun
- Snow Village
- Snow White
- Snow/Snowflakes
- Snowmen
- Snowy
- Soccer
- Softball
- Solids
- Something Blue
- Southwest Vista
- Space Race (XWide Fabric)
- Sparkle Shine Glitter
- Specialty Backings
- Specialty Fabrics
- Spice Bazaar
- Spiderman
- Spiders
- Spiders
- Spiderwebs
- Spirals - FF105
- Spirals - Metallic
- Spirit of Love
- Spirit of the Heron
- Spirited
- Splendor (Fall Splendor)
- Spooky Night
- Spooky Night by Beth Albert
- Sports
- Sports Panels
- Spring
- Spring Chickens
- Spurs
- Squares
- Squirrels
- St. Louis Cardinals
- St. Patrick's
- Stallion by Northcott
- Stallion Song by Quilting Treasures
- Star Wars
- Starfish
- Stars
- Stars
- Stars & Stripes 10th Anniversary Edition
- Stars & Stripes Forever by Studio E
- Stars by Patrick Lose
- Stars of Light
- Stateside
- Steampunk
- Steampunk
- Steampunk Halloween 2
- Steampunk Stitchery
- Stonehenge Basics
- Stonehenge Gradations
- Stonehenge Gradations
- Stonehenge Heavy Metal
- Stonehenge Surfaces
- Strawberry
- Strawberry Lemonade
- Stripes and Plaids
- Sugar Coated
- Summer
- Summer Breeze
- Sun
- Sun & Sea
- Sun Up to Sun Down
- Sundance
- Sunday
- Sunflower (Sunflower Sunset)
- Sunflowers
- SunnyFields
- Sunnyfields
- Super Girl
- Superman
- Supernova Quilt Panels (SNqp)
- Surf's Up
- Sweet as Honey
- Sweet Holidays
- Sweet Little Pleasures
- Sweet Perfume
- Swirling Marbling -- FF2
- Syracuse University
- Table Runners
- Tampa Bay Buccaneers
- Tampa Bay Lightning
- Tampa Bay Rays
- Tan
- Tasmanian Devil
- Tea for Two
- Teddy Bears
- Teepees
- Tenderwood
- Tenderwood
- Tennis
- Texas Rangers
- TGTree (Timber Gnomies Tree Farm)
- Thanks (Always Give Thanks)
- Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving Panels
- The Fae
- The Incredible Hulk
- The Joy of Painting
- The Lion and The Lamb
- The Little Prince
- The Nativity
- The Tradition Continues
- The Tradition Continues II
- Thirties
- Thor
- Thread
- Tides of Color
- Tie Dye - FF115
- Tigers
- Timber (Timber Gnomes)
- Timber - FF71
- Timber Gnomies
- Timber Gnomies Tree Farm
- Timberland Trail Flannel
- Time Well Spent
- Timeless Gnome for the Holidays
- Timeless Treasures Fabric
- Tinkerbell
- Tiny Beasts
- Tiny Coordinates - True Colors
- Tomatoes
- Top of the Class
- Toronto Blue Jays
- Toy Story
- Toyland
- Toys
- Tractor
- Tradition (The Tradition Continues)
- Trains
- Travel
- Treasures At Sea
- Tree House
- Trees
- Triangles
- Tropical Escape
- Tropical Flair
- Tropicolor Birds
- Tropicolor Birds
- Truckers (American Truckers)
- Trucks
- Trucks, Cars, Trailers, Mobile Homes Panels
- True Colors
- True Detective
- TTGnomeH (Timeless Treasures Gnome for the Holidays)
- Tula Pink
- Tulip
- Turtle Bay
- Turtle March
- Turtle Odyssey
- Turtles
- Tweety Bird
- Under Construction
- Unicorn
- Unicorn Dreams
- Unicorns
- Unicorns Panels
- UniDreams (Unicorn Dreams)
- Universe
- Universe
- University of Alabama
- University of Central Florida
- University of Florida Gators
- University of Georgia
- University of Iowa
- University of Kansas
- University of Miami
- University of Michigan
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of Oregon
- University of South Florida
- University of Tennessee
- University of Toledo
- University of Wisconsin
- Untamed
- Up Up & Away
- USA Flag
- USA Military
- Utopia
- Utopia
- Valentine's
- Valley (Happy Valley Farm)
- Vegetable Medley
- Vegetables
- Verses (Let Your Light Shine Verses)
- View
- Village (Snow Village)
- Vintage
- Visual Vibes
- Volleyball
- Walrus
- Wanderlust
- Warm and Cozy (Flannel)
- Water and Water Activities
- Water Dance
- Watermelon
- Welcome to the Beach
- Welcome to the Jungle (Flannel)
- Well Owl Be
- Whale Song
- Whales
- Wheel Barrow
- Where (Where in the World)
- Where In The World
- Whirlwind
- White
- White on White
- White Polka-Dots on Color - FF81
- Whitetail Woods
- Wicker - FF72
- Wild Iris
- Wild Poppy
- Wild Wild West
- Wildflower Honey
- Wine
- WinGar (Winter Garden - Henry Glass)
- Winged Glory
- Winnie the Pooh
- Winter
- Winter (Winter Companions)
- Winter Bliss
- Winter Garden - Henry Glass
- Winter Garden - Northcott
- Winter Gathering
- Winter Greetings
- Winter Panels
- Winter Welcome
- Winter Wishes
- Wintertime Joy
- Witches
- Wizards and Warriors
- Wolves
- Wonder Woman
- Wood
- Wood You Be Mine?
- Woodland
- Woodland Wander
- Woodland Winter
- Words
- Wreaths
- Writer
- X-Wide 58/60" or larger Width Fabric
- Xanadu
- Yellow
- You Are My Sunshine
- You Grow Girl
- Zebras
- Zest for Life
- Zippers