From the main fabric: (pay attention to the direction of the graphic design)
From the lining:
(3) 2”x WOF (width of fabric) to make straps. If you choose to use a strapping of your choice (not included), skip this cutting
(2) 17.5” wide x 15-¾” tall and
(2) 17.5” wide x 10” tall
From interfacing, batting, or fusible fleece (not included in the kit), cut the same size as your main fabrics and apply to the main fabrics on the back side.
Note: I have made this pattern up using medium weight interfacing, both fusible and heavy weight fusible fleece, and cotton/poly batting. All worked.
Sew the straps:
Sew the three 2”xWOF strips together using a diagonal join as when making binding. Press ¼” in on each side. Press in half again. Top stitch on each side of this ¾” ish strip. Cut into two 48” pieces. Put aside.

Sew the front pockets:
Sew the lining piece to the front interfaced/fused front piece using ½” seam allowance. Press towards the seam allowance. Gently fold the lining fabric over the seam allowance and clip into place. Top stitch along the seam line where the lining and main fabric meet. Top stitch also along the outer edge if you desire. Do the same to both pocket pieces.

Take both pieces to a cutting mat and trim pieces so that the lining and front pieces are the same size. Sometimes I had to trim just a tiny bit, sometimes a bit more depending on what you use for the stiffener/interfacing/batting/fleece, etc.
Press under ½” on each of the bottom of the lining piece and main fabric. Clip together.

Using a very long basting stitch, baste the lining and main pieces together using about 1/2" stitch. Repeat for the second pocket piece
Place the front pocket piece on top of the main bag piece, putting it 3” UP from the bottom of the bag. Clip or pin in place.
Using a shortened stitch (not basting), stitch pocket along the bottom where you pressed both pieces under, about 1/16” from the edge. Repeat with another row of topstitching about 1/4” away from the first one towards the center of the bag. Using an elongated stitch, stitch the pocket along the sides to the main bag piece - about 1/4” in from the edge. Remove the basting stitch along the bottom of the pocket piece.

Measure the center of the front and back bag along the bottom. Mark with a pin. It should be at 8¾”. Now measure over 3” on each side from that center marking and put a pin. (You can also use chalk or a pen with disappearing ink.)

Place your previously made 48” straps, lining up the edge of the strap with the pin you placed at 3” from the center. Place the other end at the other pin, also putting the edge of the strap even with the bag bottom. Using a ruler to keep things straight, pin the straps up the bag and stop 1½” from the top of the pocket piece. Mark 1½” down from the top of the piece with a pin.
Topstitch the straps in place, starting at the bottom on one side, and at the top where you have marked 1½” down from the top of the piece, make a box with an X and continue down the other side of the strap. Sew both sides of the strap. Make sure the strap is not twisted. Repeat for both fronts. You have now created pockets on the front.

Sew the main bag pieces together.
Matching the edges of the pocket and bottom pieces, pin or clip in place. Sew ½” along both sides and bottom.

Take a ruler and mark 2-¼” on the bottom two corners. Cut on lines you marked, creating a now open area on both corners. Press seams open as much as possible.

Match the seam allowances and sew the now boxed bottom together, matching the center seam and use ½” seam allowance

Sew the lining:
Optional: add pockets. Use a piece of your leftover main fabric, cut 5”x12”, fold in half right sides together and sew ½” on the three cut sides, leaving an opening to turn. Turn. Press. Make 2. Sew one to each side of the lining, centering in the center of the bag about 5” up from the bottom. Topstitch in place, along the two sides and bottom, making sure the opening is place in a position where it will be topstitched down.

With right sides together, sew the lining along the sides and along the bottom, using a ½” seam allowance. Leave a 4” or so opening along the bottom for turning. Be sure to backstitch when leaving the opening so it doesn’t open further when turning.

Using a ruler, mark and then cut out the bottom corners marking and cutting at 2-¼” as you did for the main bag fabric. Press seams open.

Box the bottom corners as you did the front of the bag, matching the seams. Use ½” seam allowance. Turn right side out.
Sew the bag and lining together:Place the lining inside the main bag, which is wrong side out. Pin along the top, matching side seams. Right sides should be together.

Sew around the top, using ½” seam allowance. Pull the bag out through the opening in the bottom of the bag. Push out the corners gently using fingers or a plastic tool.
Gently make the top of the lining form around the seam allowance so it shows as you did the top of the pockets. Clip or pin in place. Top stitch about 1/2” from the edge. Repeat along the top.

Sew the bottom of the lining together so no opening is evident. Use hand stitches or machine. I used machine stitching.

Your bag is now finished!
Add some bling and make it your special bag!
For example, make a tassel from a 5" square of the outer fabric and clip it on to one of the bag handles.