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Welcome to the Free Pattern Gallery!
Who doesn't like free patterns?
I made these patterns up first and foremost for myself - yes, that's right. I needed some things specifically for scraps and leftovers I had on hand.
I would look at what I had, and then come to the computer and design what I thought I would like to make and have.
Many scrap patterns I had looked at were not exactly what I wanted - or they were "almost" what I liked - but in the end, I found out that most of the time I was better off designing what worked for me and my scraps at the time.
Obviously this isn't the only thing I make - I do sometimes make other people's patterns.
The quilts pictured are ones I have made and quilted myself.
If you can use them, then I'm happy to share!
You have my permission to use these patterns in guilds, in sewing groups, formal or informal. You do not need to write to me and ask. Just please don't sell them. They are free for everyone - that is my intention.
Please do not download them and import them into your website as a free download! Instead, use a link to link to our page here on Quilted Twins. Also, please leave my name on them!
If you find value here, I would be honored if you would tell others about this page.
Thank you!
If you click on the picture of the quilt you are interested in, a pdf of that pattern should pop up.
Becky Tillman Petersen
Becky Tillman Petersen